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Actualizado: 20 sept 2020

Sleep is a period of unconsciousness during which the brain remains highly active, a complex biological process that helps the individual process new information, stay healthy and rejuvenate into a restful sleep. During sleep the brain goes through different phases:

  • Phase I sleep-wake transition, occupies 5% of the heartbeat, this phase of sleep is easily interrupted.

  • Phase II represents more than 50% of the sleep, the muscle tone becomes weaker corresponding to the principle of sleep itself.

  • Phase III corresponds to the transition from the deepest sleep,called delta.

  • Phase IV delta sleep. It is a phase of slow sleep, brain activity and breathing are slow, and may manifest alterations such as night terror or sleepwalking

  • REM Phase rapid eye movements deep sleep, no muscle tone, in this phase the typical alterations that can happen are sleep paralysis and nightmares.


Each phase is important to ensure complete rest for mind and body. Some help you feel relaxed and energized the next day while others help you learn information and create memories. Consequently, inadequate sleep contributes in the short or long term to poor performance of daily tasks, mood, and

end up affecting our health.

Scientists from various areas and specialists in the field consider that the translation of dreams is directly related to the experiences. where they may be, pleasant or uncomfortable where we see reflected situations person, animal, desire, or any interest. That can be unconscious and not recognized at a conscious level. The dreams occupy an important part in psychoanalysis because through this we can decipher many elements of the person that at a conscious level not so visible.


Sigmund Freud was the first person to attempt to empirically explore the unconscious depths of consciousness. He worked with the general preposition that dreams are not something casual, but are associated with conscious thoughts and problems.

One of Freud's theories is that dreams are repressed desires that arise at times when censorship is lowered. The phase that has woken up more consensus is the one of the dream Rem and nevertheless ,not even this function is accepted of universal form by the

various positions .


The analysts, when working with our dreams can manage to decipher but elements of the personality of a person that normally, would know from its conscious is believed thus because, which a person hidden of unconscious way is that that more importance gives him, and although many times we do not remember the dreams, when they are recurrent they make us pay but attention to them and can that it has sense for some, and is a complete nonmeaning for others. Some of us also see it as an attempt of our subconscious mind to get in touch with our active mind, while others leave them aside as something not worth remembering, however it all depends on which side we keep our posture clear, that dreams as everything related to the subconscious mind "IS A MATTER OF BELIEF".


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