Many of us ask ourselves and try to define what the meaning of life is and often we answer ourselves the classic of always, to be happy and to make others happy, to feel satisfied, to do good, to travel, to have health, etc.
However, others, before this question experiences a deep existential emptiness, leaving space to think that the only thing
One does is work, that every day is the same in short, the same routine and without finding meaning.
The concept of the meaning of life encompasses many nuances, both philosophical and moral. According to VICTOR FRANKL in his book Austrian Neurologist and Psychiatrist who survived several Nazi concentration camps, an experience that inspired him to write "MAN IN SEARCH OF MEANING" from the point of view that any person in any circumstance, even extreme suffering, can cling to a reason for living. And that everything is in finding a purpose in assuming a responsibility for ourselves and for the human being.
Thus, having clear a 'why' we can face all the 'how' alone, feeling free and secure of those who motivate us, a more noble reality is created.
The meaning of life in, universal terms each one of us will honor it in our own way by putting, of ourselves from love our potential and experiences.