A plan to maintain a positive attitude is critical in these times of confinement - we've heard it so many times! For physical reasons because it increases the defenses of our immune system and even emotionally so as not to fall into a state of discouragement, since having a better attitude we secrete endorphins like the well-known molecules of happiness.

EUGENIO MARTINEZ, psychology graduate says : We should not let external issues not only condition, but determine our destiny and our well-being.
We will go through many emotional phases such as anxiety, fear and frustration and in order not to succumb to them we must have a positive attitude. One of the keys to better cope with this situation is to accept and understand the reality that we live but above all to be aware that we are facing an exceptional and temporary situation..

In spite of his disgraceful resume
in different countries of the world, covid 19 also brought with it some positive things and it is here where I want to affirm that we would never have thought of seeing a notable reduction of environmental pollution in fauna and nature. And if we think about it a little too, rescue activities that we had forgotten along with the couple or family.

A good use of time will be fundamental for this stage of confinement due to the amount of hours we will spend in our homes (alone or accompanied) this opens an immense range of possibilities. "if life gives us lemons, we make lemonade So let's enjoy this free time to read, do exercises, cook, organize the spaces, to learn new skills on the web, like handling software, videos, to apply in language courses, photography etc. And other activities that were postponed due to lack of time.

The best way to always regain our spirits and self-esteem after shocking events like this is to observe our own resilience and strength.
See you out there? take care!